
Logistic and supply chain management is a very fast and strongly growing fields or areas. People from in India are very keen in making this stream as a profession for interest. This field has tremendous job openings for the freshers and experienced. Colleges and universities too have started this course as a course of interest for all the students. The pay scale given is Rs 12,000-15,000. They get to work with people of different disciplines. With the career in this profession you can work worldwide. A bachelor’s degree in logistic and supply chain will also do. A PG or a master’s in this discipline will also work.

You can find information about degree, diploma and certificate courses for Logistic and Supply Chain Management. You can also fine colleges and universities offering these courses.

Degree Course in Logistic and Supply Chain Management


Diploma Course in Logistic and Supply Chain Management

Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
2 YearsView All Colleges
Post Graduate Diploma in Materials and Logistics Management (PGDMLM)
1 YearsView All Colleges
Post Graduate Diploma in Packaging
2 YearsView All Colleges

Certificate Course in Logistic and Supply Chain Management


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